Monday Review: DREAMER’S POOL by Juliet Marillier

Synopsis: The Blackthorn & Grim trilogy by Juliet Marillier, which starts with the novel Dreamer’s Pool, is not technically a YA trilogy, but readers who already enjoy her books that were specifically written for young adults (such as the Shadowfell trilogy, reviewed here) will definitely enjoy this one. It’s got slightly more mature moments, but it makes a great crossover series. Set in a version of medieval Ireland, it’s got hints of Celtic mythology and a dash of the fey—but, as always, it’s the author’s ability to weave a fascinating plot around compelling characters that makes these books truly shine.

When Dreamer’s Pool starts, we are plunged into a rather gritty scene as we are introduced to the primary narrator: a young woman who has been imprisoned for the past year in the lockup of sadistic chieftain Mathuin of Laois. At first, we know her only as Lady—the nickname given to her by her fellow prisoner, Grim, who resides in the cell across from hers. And then something miraculous happens: the prison is destroyed, the roof partly collapsed, and she and Grim find themselves…free.

Sort of. The newly released Blackthorn—the new name she gives herself for a new life—is subject to a bargain. A mysterious fey named Conmael has decided to give her another chance, but only on the condition that she defer her desire for murderous revenge on Mathuin for at least seven years. Why, she doesn’t know—and Conmael has also forbidden her to go anywhere near Mathuin. Instead, he bids her go to the settlement of Winterfalls and set herself up as a wise woman there, healing the residents, and never refusing to help anyone who asks. The first needy person who shows up in her life happens to be Grim, and so the two become somewhat reluctant companions…and soon, partners in solving the mystery of a bizarre occurrence at an uncanny spot called Dreamer’s Pool.

Observations: Throughout the trilogy, we not only see the story through Blackthorn’s eyes, we also get the perspective of quiet, stoic Grim, who has a traumatic past of his own. In fact, both Blackthorn and Grim are broken, recovering—something that the author not only gives due attention to but has also researched in terms of PTSD and recovery from trauma. This invests both characters with a wrenching, believable realism, and it makes the whole trilogy stand out from the “fantasy Ireland” genre.

There is also something of the detective duo about Blackthorn and Grim—in each novel, there is a mystery of sorts to be solved, one which our two narrators are uniquely able to address. And, of course, one of my favorite things about having read this trilogy in one big gulp (all three books are currently out and available!) was the ability to follow the character development of both Blackthorn and Grim throughout the three books, which reach a very satisfying conclusion in the final volume, Den of Wolves.

Conclusion: Highly recommended for fans of historical fantasy and stories about British lore—these have some violence and trauma but should be fine for more mature YA readers. Fun fact: the author is an actual member of a Druidic Order! How cool is that?

I received my copy of this book courtesy of my library’s ebook collection (book 1) and (books 2 and 3). You can find DREAMER’S POOL, TOWER OF THORNS, and DEN OF WOLVES by Juliet Marillier at an online e-tailer, or at a real life, independent bookstore near you!

About the author

Sarah Jamila Stevenson is a writer, artist, editor, graphic designer, proofreader, and localization QA tester, so she wears a teetering pile of hats. On any given day, she is very tired. She is the author of the middle grade graphic novel Alexis vs. Summer Vacation, and three YA novels, including the award-winning The Latte Rebellion.


  1. @Sarah: B&G mysteries are some of my FAVORITES. I'm a bit upset the trilogy is probably all we'll get from Marillier in this world — I LOVE mysteries and detectives in different times/spaces; it's so much easier to love them and find what they do …correct. I can read police procedurals from the Victorian era or ones involving, say, werewolves, but it is definitely no longer an unalloyed pleasure to read about policemen for me, especially in the last five years. Which makes me deeply sad.

    SO, here's to more imaginary detectives and people punishing wrongdoers, with a splash of the paranormal as well!

  2. Agreed–I'd happily read more books featuring these two. I've never been a "cop drama" sort of person, but there are a few exceptions–it seems like I can still watch the occasional BBC police drama or, as you mentioned, historical or fantastical ones. Maybe I should think about something like that for my next endeavor after I leave New Harmony (in about a thousand years, judging by how long it's taken me to write book 1)…

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