I play Free Rice.
I give to various charitable groups, and give again when there’s some catastrophic emergency. I donate clothes and old glasses and do all the little things other people do, and I know I can’t solve all of the world’s problems…
…but I must admit that I’m pretty galled that a school in D.C. is still below the American Library Associations minimum book recommendation. Most American schools, in their school library, have in excess of eleven books per person. Ballou High School, thanks to the efforts of an earlier book drive, are now at four.
Ballou High School is 98% African American.
*It has an 82% attendance rate.
Most of the students there seem to want to get something out of high school.
Thank you.
Wikipedia stats, by the way. I’m not calling to check in with the registrar or anything.
I work in a public library and believe so strongly in them, but the only library the vast majority of school children ever see is their school library. Having well-stocked school libraries staffed by someone who knows how to guide kids to books is essential to any school that wants their students' literacy to grow.