…a children’s book?
You know MotherReader loves you too, right? And so, she’s not going to go BACA on your backside over this. But… only because you’re the POTUS. Otherwise…
Wellll, maybe you officially get a PASS on this. You published two books before you became president, thus, you’re, okay, a writer. Not a celebrity writer. Just …a writer. Plus, unlike Tyra Banks, you actually know how to write. So, it might even be, like, good.
OKAY, fine. Congratulations on the upcoming publication of Of Thee I Sing. It even has an awesome title. (And score one for my publisher, Knopf! Woot! And illustrator Loren Long.)
::uncertain sigh::
I know, eh? I hadn't actually researched it–on purpose–because I was kind of afraid. I don't want it to be BACA-worthy. But he's sticking with non-fiction, which is promising–it's not like he wrote the unauthorized autobiography of Bo the White House dog…
Weeellll, the cover's kind of cute. And nonfiction is good – but I really am afraid to look at it too closely, though I could have Editor E. send me a review copy…
Hmmm. I wonder if the book would have been accepted for publication had the POTUS submitted it under a pen name.