Please forgive me for starting with my own, but I’d never before heard of Glogster — an internet app which allows you to create poster-type pages with words, collage art, photographs, video, music, the works — and when I found out that Hope Smith had done one for Mare’s War, I was so intrigued!
If I was still teaching, I’d be tempted to accept a well-done Glog as a novel synopsis or book report for English – like this one for Artemis Fowl. Or, like this one – a social studies project on bullying. For those with more kinesthetic/artistic learning modalities, this would be so much fun. Of course, making an actual collage and getting gluey would work better for some, but still – collages! For credit! (Okay, you can see a.) some days I really miss teaching and b.) I had the type of teachers who had no… flex in terms of what kinds of assignments they accepted. High School: a series of many, many papers…)
And now I’m wondering what blog applications this Glog thing has… instead of your everyday, wordy novel synopsis, I can see book bloggers opening up a whole new dialogue with books. After all, tons of people already have song lists for their books — why not collage, too?
I couldn’t comment on the site, so I’ll say here: Thank you, Hope, for making this! It’s really cool, and if you’re getting graded, I hope your teacher likes it!
Oo-lah-lah — Me likey!
Hope did a great job featuring Mare's War :).
That is REALLY cool! And yeah, I would've loved a Glog assignment, going through school. While I'm definitely the kind of person who likes scissors and glue, I can't resist tinkering with the computer…
Anyway, very nice job by Hope.
Radiful, what a delightful discovery. Congrats, Tanita. I'm going to go check out some more glogging right now …