Ooh, another great looking SFF novel with a.) a brown-skinned person on the cover, and b.) using a character from African folklore. Karen Lord’s debut novel is getting stars and great reviews, huzzah.
I’m so excited about suddenly seeing brown-skinned people as magic-wielders in science fiction and fantasy, and am only waiting and hoping (and writing) to see more in YA and MG SFF – characters who aren’t cliched, and who don’t have to die for the other characters, in order to be included.
Incidentally – was Tu Publishing at the ALA Convention, anyone? I kept forgetting to check the little book, when it crossed my mind, and while I saw TONS of publishers (shout out to the nice people at Eerdman’s and Westside Books) I didn’t see them.
Don't Le Guin's Earthsea novels involve people of color? I believe they do. But a character out of African folklore is a brilliant addition, and will feel very "fresh" in today's market (oversaturated as it is with vamps & wolves).
Yes, my dearling, the Earthsea novels are all about the magic users and all.
I'm not saying there are NO novels with brown-skinned characters as magic wielders or what all, but seriously? The well-before-I-was-born sixties!?
Just made a mental note of Lord's debut.
Right before I got online I was reading The Girl Next Door by Castrovilla. Its published by Westside Books.
I am really enjoying it so far.
Sam's bestfriend Jesse is dying of cancer.
One subplot of note, Sam's younger brother Teddy (5yrs old) dresses up in his mothers clothes and their mother is okay with that.
Forgive the long comment but I plug when I can.
Now, I am off to check out Edi's review of Stringz by Wenberg. Also published by Westside.
See, I can't help myself.
Thanks for this post, a new author who does YA Sci-fi/fantasy is rare.
Hey, thanks Doret! Appreciate the plugs – I'm finding some good stuff on Westside, too.