In case you’ve missed this at Cynsations, on April 29 and continuing through May 9th, the Hunger Mountain Spring Fundraiser has manuscript critiques for auction! If you’re an aspiring author or poet, check this out, there’s a lot to bid on. Of special interest: a full length Middle Grade novel critique with Michelle Poploff, Executive Editor at Delacorte Press Books for Young Readers, as well as a full-length picture book critique with Tanya Lee Stone; and a full length YA manuscript critique with some chick named Tanita.
If you’re not sure what Hunger Mountain is all about, here’s a bit of light reading for you.
"Some chick named Tanita." HA! You crack me up.
Seriously, though–very cool! I can vouch for the fact that a critique from Tanita is an exceedingly useful thing. Go! Bid!