The jaw-droppingly talented D.M. Cornish has shared a visual on his ubiquitous NOTEBOOKS, the famous ones which contain the seed that sprouted into his massive tomes of awesome! Monster Blood Tattoo (I don’t care what they’re calling it now — The Foundling Trilogy? Really? So that whole Lamplighter confusion was for nothing??) is still one of my all-time favorite fantasy adventures, and wins hands-down for sheer creativity and richness of worldbuilding and language. And how can you not love Rossamünd Bookchild?
…you might not remember, but in 2007, Mr. Cornish mentioned that the Jim Henson Company had optioned film rights to the books. These things always seem to take forever, but he confirmed at the beginning of this month that they have a writer and a director and are moving forward.
I don’t know – love me some Henson, hate me some book-to-film adaptations. But I admit that I am a sucker, and would GIVE MUCH to see the world of the Half Continent realized… if they do it right.
So, that’s my little Squee! for today.
Peter Jackson should adapt them….
Yeah, see, that's MY take. I love me some Henson, but … then I think, "Eek. Muppets?!
Monster Blood Muppets????
It totally depends on which type of Henson we're talking about…if it's Dark Crystal-era Henson style, then it could work…regardless, though, I'm excited!
Hm. I am thinking Farscape and kind of cringing. On the other hand…
I'm very fond of this series, too, but it's too bad about changing the name of the trilogy. Maybe Monster Blood Tattoo wasn't a "marketable" name in the sense that people knew exactly what it was, but I agree that The Foundling Trilogy is generic. And renaming the trilogy at this point suggests that something was wrong with the original name. And suggesting that something is wrong…
This reminds me of the whole Gideon the Cutpurse thing. That series started out with a bang, and, yes, the name probably was a bad choice because Gideon wasn't the main character. But the series disappeared after the name was changed to The Time Travelers…whatever. I would hate to see that happen with Monster Blood Tattoo. Which will always be Monster Blood Tattoo to me.