Librarian to the (Death) Star, Library Lions, Books@Home & more

Yeah. That’s how not to do it.
I found that poster today at a great interview with our very own cool-shoe-wearing Librarian to Lord Vader, Adrienne. The very awesome Jules interviewed Librarian Adrienne on how she has risen to the heights of the Death Star, and surprisingly, it had not a lot to do with a small child named Luke… but more to do with just being a really cool children’s librarian and not actually minding, um, kids. And when people drop books in the bathtub. *cough*

Amazing, that.

If you’ve not been following the Share A Story – Shape A Future reading celebration blog tour, there’s not only time to go backwards IN time to read up, but there’s incentives in the forms of gift and giveaways, and there’s more informative reading today.
Eva Mitnick @ Eva’s Book Addiction hosts the round-up today. As well as Making the Library Work for You, over at Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast, there’s also:

  • “From Cozy to Cool — Library Spaces for Everyone” — Eva Mitnick of Eva’s Book Addiction
  • “Lions and Marble and Books, Oh My” — Elizabeth Bird @ Fuse#8 shows off her gorgeous library, and the world *sighs* with envy.
  • “The World Beyond the Library’s Walls” — Melissa at librarian by day
  • “ABC Storytimes: Taking the Library Home” — by Pamela Coughlan at MotherReader talks about how NOT to push a kid to read – those who don’t heed this, might get whacked. Knuffle Bunny to the head, folks.

Much of this week has seemed to appeal more to board books, early readers, and the very young. The final day has something for everyone, so writers and readers for MG and YA, tune back in, and check it out:
Friday: Technology and Reading — What the Future Holds. Hosted by Elizabeth O. Dulemba:

Happy Reading Thursday!

About the author

tanita s. davis is a writer and avid reader who prefers books to most things in the world, including people. That's ...pretty much it, she's very boring and she can't even tell jokes. She is, however, the author of nine books, including Serena Says, Partly Cloudy, Go Figure, Henri Weldon, and the Coretta Scott King honored Mare's War. Look for her new MG, The Science of Friendship in 1/2024 from Katherine Tegen Books.


  1. That’s a great list. I wouldn’t have guessed necessarily that rewards and lots of activities are a bad thing; I guess it’s all in how it works together in a particular family dynamic. I was a really active child athlete and a voracious reader both.

    The TV and computer in every room totally made me think of “Extreme Home Makeover” because that seems to be something they do — flat screens lurking behind every painting, etc etc. Not that I watch that show anymore (still on, even?) but I’d love to see them do a book-centric design!

  2. Oh, I’m just seeing this! How fun!

    That is a True Story about dropping another library’s book in the bathtub. Shocking behavior on my part, I know. The shoes help me get away with it.

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