Sharing Some Love

I don’t have a full report ready yet after the 2nd Annual Kidlit Conference, but rest assured it’s coming tomorrow, complete with a photo or two and even some little doodles of kidlit folks (yes, I’m one of those people who doodles during presentations…don’t worry, I’m still paying attention!! Probably.).

Anyway, in the meantime, check out the photo of everyone on the kidlit blog site (hint: I’m the one with my eyes closed! Big surprise) and don’t miss the roundups as they get posted. And, I just want to also mention how wonderful it was to meet everyone in person. You are all lovely.

About the author

Sarah Jamila Stevenson is a writer, artist, editor, graphic designer, proofreader, and localization QA tester, so she wears a teetering pile of hats. On any given day, she is very tired. She is the author of the middle grade graphic novel Alexis vs. Summer Vacation, and three YA novels, including the award-winning The Latte Rebellion.


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