Happy Sunday, peeps!
Normally I’m curled up somewhere with a book, but today I’m actually — *gasp!* — working. I got two emails from my editor, on a Sunday, which means if SHE’S giving up her weekend, then so am I. And though I’ve said it ninety times by now, I really am on the home stretch with my final edit. I hope the copy editors appreciate the effort. But they won’t. They never do. *Sigh!*
Meanwhile, Five Cool Things I’ve Discovered Today:
1. ) Somebody else hated Ethan Frome. I’m totally feeling interviewee Thomas on that one.
2.) Bradley Alert: SFSignal has the goods on a Ray Bradley speech.
3.) Laini Taylor. Enough said. Go. See. Sigh.
4. and 5. are via mental_floss: 4.) The twenty-six best comic books to have, and
5.) Really cool albino animals. Check out the whole gallery on ABC news.
As you were, weekenders!