(Oh, wow, remember the animal show with the bad segues into insurance talk? That was Wild Kingdom, back in, what, nineteen eighty? Sorry. Flashback. Happens when I’m revising heavily.)
At Finding Wonderland, we loved us some Into the Wild. It was superfun that it was included in our Cybils nominations as well. (Yay!) And Out of the Wild is tons of fun as well, which is why I had a great time reviewing it with Jules and Eisha of the blog, Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast.
Jules:“Durst took me in places I didn’t expect to go.”
eisha“And I loved the encounter with the Wolf – that was seriously scary, and totally nasty.”
tadmack“The word ‘clots’ was used. Clots. People, I was traumatized.”
Definitely go see what else was said, in more coherent form.
We don’t often do reviews here (we put the bulk of them on Readers’ Rants and The Edge of the Forest), but we wanted to give a big high five or something else eighties and nerdy to the 7-Imps for including us in their tri-review, and just a high five and a hip-check in general for all that they’ve done in the blogosphere. Here’s to keeping them around — at their own pace — for years to come.
Almost done with the major heavy lifting in terms of revision. Meanwhile, I’ve sneaked a quick look around the blogosphere, and noticed The Shrinking Violets Marketing Guide to Launching a Book. WOW. That’s a lot of work… which I should consider doing. At some point. I guess.
Interactive Reader blogs about the trend in ebooks for teens — is it a trend if there’s only been LITTLE BROTHER before now? Anyway, there’s a new one you can test drive via your Blackberry or whatever — Savvy, by Ingrid Law. Hmm. Will have to check that out.
I absolutely adore the Mother Reader Summer Book Club, and they’re reading one of my favorite funny books, Happy Kid!
Oh, the conversations I have missed!! Read Roger feels that brand name dropping in YA lit is …okay. Many adult authors do it. I guess that’s …some… justification, and many people don’t get too upset about it, but I remember high school as being a time when I just plain was too dorky to be a teen, and too young to be an adult. Designer label clothes weren’t something we could afford, and their presence wasn’t something I could avoid — except in the alternate reality of books. Nowadays, reality is a bit intrusive… Meanwhile, my editor staunchly supports the idea of not including anything that can date a book, which includes brand names. Society is fickle — things are “in” and “out” too quickly to be included in fiction, methinks.
Finally, check out Cynsations, for a chance to win a copy of Immortal: Love Stories With Bite. All you vampire fans, you know what to do!
Thanks! ‘Twas so fun to talk books with you.