–but this is so funny I have to post it (even as the shippers are driving TOWARD the house, and Himself is still actually… um…working. (But isn’t this what husbands are for? *Ahem*) — yes, I have been snarky about The Dangerous Book for Boys. Oh, but unless you are a “naice young country gell” you might well be sarcastic about The Digested Read’s take on The Great Big Glorious Book for Girls. Ohhh, the snark, the delicious, hooting-out-loud, probably waking the neighbors snark. Do NOT sip your tea whilst reading. (‘Whilst.’ Love that word.)
All right. To work, to work…
You can get as much out of a game of cricket as a man. More so, if you are making the tea.
I’ll skip cricket and go straight to the tea.