Could I possibly fit more alliteration into that title? I really don’t know, and I’m not going to try. And I’d just like to point out that I hate the abbreviated non-word “convo” but it was shorter, so…yeah.
Anyway, via the SCBWI discussion board comes this Red-Hot Contest Alert: brand-new website is sponsoring a First Three Chapters contest. Says the site’s founder, Alison: “The purpose of this contest is to generate a bit of exposure to our site and message boards, both of which are dedicated exclusively to YA fiction. The winner of the contest will receive $100 and the submission deadline is March 31st.” Get to it!
Some great insights on multicultural children’s literature, via Cynsations, from Uma Krishnaswami, who discusses a recent presentation she gave entitled “Beyond Food, Flowers, and Festivals”. Definitely a subject we’re interested in here at Finding Wonderland. I only wish I’d gotten to see the presentation in person!
Finally, Esther Hershenhorn’s Children’s Book Creator’s Seven Essential Nutrients, concluded (click here for part one).
5. Stay immersed in the Children’s Book World. Subscribe to the Publisher’s Weekly e-newsletter Children’s Bookshelf, or visit back issues online. The Children’s Book Council has a wealth of information, including details and submission guidelines for numerous publishers of children’s books. Look at bestseller lists on the American Booksellers Association website. Go to conferences, and see what’s going on with the International Reading Association. Join writing groups and listservs. Visit blogs–a great place to find more is Anastasia Suen’s Blog Central.
6. Don’t forget Career Considerations, like business cards and a website. Watch how authors present themselves and their work on Book TV. Apply for grants and enter contests. Network in the Children’s Media Professionals’ Forum.
7. Stay in tune with The Creator’s Story–that is, your story. Ray Bradbury said, “There is only one type of story in the world–your story.” As a fun exercise, write the review you want your book to get. Write your answers to imaginary interview questions. Lastly, stay motivated however you can–especially by going back to those books that inspired you.
As for myself, I’m devouring some excellent Cybils YA nominees lent to me by TadMack, and going back to an old book of writing exercises called What If? Writing Exercises for Fiction Writers and trying to brainstorm my revision ideas, working on my characters because I know they need a little help this time around. Starting my beginning earlier in the story, instead of killing the momentum with a flashback (who the heck knows why I even did that? I sure don’t). Here’s to going back to basics–cheers!
Would you be interested in an ARC of my debut YA novel, Total Constant Order? Let me know and I’ll email a copy.
Hey Crissa, thanks for the offer! We’re all over it — email away!