Julie Dierschke, a Houston, TX drama publisher, is interested in receiving short plays suitable for middle school/high school drama programs. Check out JD Drama Publishing for submission guidelines.
The Willows Theater Company is in search of comedies. Playwrights, start your engines!And the Celebrity Book Award Goes To…
Today’s celeb book author is Jenna Bush! This story was news awhile back, but now the publisher has been chosen. It seems that the daughter of El Presidenté actually worked for UNICEF, and her nonfiction YA book is apparently going to be based on a true story, and comes out in the Fall.
Thought you’d want to know.
At least a few cool people we know like nonfiction; Bookslut in Training lists some great non-fiction options this month.
The Crappy News Award Still Goes To… Jackson County in Southern Oregon. I read this story in the Chronicle this past Sunday, and I thought, “Oh, now that it’s public news, somebody will do something about it.” Um, maybe not, as Jackson County has lost $7 million in federal funding this year — nearly 80 percent of the system’s budget, and that supports FIFTEEN LIBRARIES in a rural environment. I don’t… believe this. I really, really DON’T. I could really rant about it, but I will limit myself to this: haven’t these people BEEN to Oregon? Don’t they know how much it rains, and how important books are, especially then?! Sigh.
My Other Favorite Topic to rant about…
It’s always a good thing when a book becomes a movie. Except when it isn’t. It especially happens a lot in fantasy – lots of adaptations, but “…adaptation is not without potential hazards: comically bad acting, stupefying dialog, and a complete and utter lack of understanding of the original book have made their way into the cinema and onto the television…all bearing the name of the author.” Uh, yeah. Sound familiar?
Bildungsroman – such a great single word! And now you can check out the great Chasing Ray coming-of-age novels list.
You know, I might actually be interested in reading a book by Jenna Bush…probably for all the wrong reasons, though…
Yay for the word Bildungsroman. 🙂
Thank you for the play submission links!!!