
Oh mighty sun, why must thou smite us with thy rays of burning?

…one Toon Thursday, fresh from the oven. And by oven, I mean the 100+-degree weather that has been roasting everybody and setting the land on fire and making me tired and just generally beating us all down. But yes, I owe you a new cartoon, and I plan to put said cartoon up next Thursday. And I hereby deem today TOO HOT TO LIVE and, at 104 degrees, definitely too hot to write or blog. Even sitting here with my laptop on my lap is making me sweat.

Want to know the worst part? WE’RE OUT OF POPSICLES.

About the author

Sarah Jamila Stevenson is a writer, artist, editor, graphic designer, proofreader, and localization QA tester, so she wears a teetering pile of hats. On any given day, she is very tired. She is the author of the middle grade graphic novel Alexis vs. Summer Vacation, and three YA novels, including the award-winning The Latte Rebellion.


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